“...a very gifted guitarist and composer...”

Bruce Lundvall – Former  President of Blue Note Records



Beata (Chasm 2023)

“a certifiable masterpiece of a recording which raises the bar for both Mr Diamond himself and his entire tribe of contemporaries who will, no doubt, be awed by the elegance of this recording...”

Raul Da Gama - Latin Jazz Network

“Diamond improvises with rare sensitivity...”

Oscar Jordan - Vintage Guitar Magazine

“A warm and inviting musical tribute…”

Ed Blanco - allaboutjazz.com/WDNA

Calera Solo Sessions (Chasm 2022)

“a wonderful session of beautiful music drawn from the personal journey of an amazing musician...” Ed Blanco — allaboutjazz.com/WDNA

“A solo guitarist with the balls, dexterity and smarts to be able to hold the spotlight himself in various guises and not repeat himself through his prolific output...”

Chris Spector — midwestrecord.com

Musings & Origins Solo Acoustic (Chasm 2019)

"virtuoso acoustic fingerstyle with a strong Latin jazz vibe...”

Pete Prown - Vintage Guitar Magazine
"a deep harmonic language and an unerring sense of groove..”

Adam Perlmutter - Acoustic Guitar Magazine
An inspired player that doesn’t need pyrotechnics or frippery to make his point...”

Chris Spector — midwestrecord.com

Avenida Graham (ZOHO 2016)

"an auspicious outing from this promising talent on the New York jazz


Bill Milkowski —Writer for Downbeat & Jazz Times [Liner Notes]

“Greg Diamond’s music throughout this set shows him to be an accomplished composer and this, a rather admirable trait in any circumstance, is backed by greater musicianship – not mere virtuosity – with which to approach the guitar than many musicians on the instrument today...”

Raul Da Gama - Latin Jazz Network [Album of The Month 11/19/16]

“...a fine example of Diamond’s writing (El Coronel), which has that South American way of segueing from melody to linking melody, here stressing the latin, there the jazz..”

Peter Bacon - Jazzwise

“Perhaps guitarist Greg Diamond's most creative and complete recording to date, Avenida Graham is a musically-enriching work of art containing excellent original material performed by a world-class group of musicians. A talented writer and gifted player...”

Edward Blanco — allaboutjazz.com

“...Smoking stuff with a crew of pros bringing up the rear, this is killer listening jazz that will have you

involuntarily bouncing in your seat...”
Chris Spector —Midwest Jazz Record

“Greg cleverly develops his solos giving emotional poignancy to each note...”

Alexander Schmidt — Jazz Podium

“...There are so many pleasures listening to these originals, whether Diamond’s clean, fleet picking and warm tone, his unison heads with saxophonists Dillard or Blake, the marvelous rhythm section and pianist Eckroth, able to move from hard bop to Afro-Cuban...”

Ron Weinstock —jazz-blues.com

Conduit (Dot Time 2012)

"Diamond’s music is the Music of Today. It evokes emotions and is packed with energy of different types: breakneck, soothing, insistent, impassioned and wistful..."

George Colligan - [Liner Notes]

“Diamond shows, once again, that he is a composer of great maturity and genius...”

Raul Da Gama –Latin Jazz Network

“Diamond continues to explore and refine a distinctive modern sound, and Conduit serves as the perfect vehicle for interpreting his take on fusion, Latin, and other modern sounds that comprise the jazz spectrum. One thing is certain: this is a varied musical project energized by strong writing and superb musicianship, beginning with Diamond and extending to each member of his band...”

Ed Blanco -allaboutjazz.com

“...Diamond’s music is energetic and transcendental, a subjective vision of the artist realized in masterful form, where melody, harmony, and rhythm converge in a unique coalition that transmits with eloquence and great expressive force...”

José Antonio García López -tomajazz.com

“...The guitarist’s style is a smorgasbord of approaches both compositional and aural, each as rejuvenating as

the last...”
Sharon Mizrahi – New York City Jazz Record

“...one of the most exciting guitarists that I have heard in years...”

Johan Van Deeg –Dutch Jazz Times

Dançando Com Ale (Chasm 2008)

“...look for great things down the road from this pioneering world-jazz maestro...”

Jan P. Dennis –audiophileaudition.com

"...As he finds his individualism and personal voice, expect some grand music from this promising performer..."

Michael G. Nastos –Rovi

"...a rising star in the New York jazz scene..."

Edward Blanco – allaboutjazz.com

“...Here’s a guitarist that you’ve gotta hear...”

George W. Harris – jazzweekly.com

“...consistently assertive, delicate, experimental, and intelligent..."

Chip Boaz –Latin Jazz Corner

"...virtuosic performances from Diamond and his crew..."

Dr. Joe Barth -- Just Jazz Guitar

“...a guitarist with the tensile strength, fortitude, and heart to scale greater heights quite soon...”

Raul D’Gama Rose – allaboutjazz.com

"... an impressive display of dexterity, scalar knowledge and taste..."

Walter Kolosky – jazz.com

”..Dançando Com Ale is as hip as it gets..."

Bobby Vega - jazztimes.com

"Warmth, texture, Latin flavors, tasteful playing and superior sound quality..." John Coltelli -- jazzitalia.net

“...An up and comer in Latin jazz with the chops to attract a lot of cool friends, Diamond is right on the money with his originals and well-chosen covers..."

Chris Spector – midwestrecord.com

“...Greg Diamond’s guitar shines...”

Dean Poling – The Valdosta Daily Times

"... a firm knowledge of jazz...Diamond performs an exciting set..."

Marke Andrews – Vancouver Sun

"...give Diamond and tenor saxophonist Seamus Blake A-pluses ...”

Owen Cordle - The News and Observer

“...nicely percolating...”

Tom Hull – tomhull.com

“...an adept guitarist...”

Gray Hunter – grayhunter.wordpress.com

“...Diamond’s own compositions are strong and serve notice that he is a writer to take note of...”

Brad Walseth – www.jazzchicago.net

"...deft fingering....with notes that are clean and clear.."

Woodrow Wilkins – allaboutjazz.com

“Diamond leads us on a musical journey between North and South America with intelligence, humility, and sincerity...”

Alex Terrier – quietcolor.com